Commercial Air Travel Service in Maine
Maine’s larger towns and cities are served by a number of regional airports connecting Maine locations, and often providing regular passenger service to Boston’s Logan Airport, Manchester NH, Cincinnati OH, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Canada, and other hub locations.
Commercial Air Service Listings
Select a region from the tabs below to view Maine commercial air service options in that region, Or, visit for a complete listing of all airports in Maine.
- Aroostook
County - Downeast &
Acadia - Greater
Portland... - Kennebec & Moose
River Valleys - Maine Lakes
& Mountains - Mid-Coast
Region - The
Maine Beaches - The Maine
Aroostook County

Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle (PQI)
Serving Northern Maine, the Northern Maine Regional Airport offers regularly scheduled passenger service to and from Boston. It is an important link for travelers in Aroostook county to the air transportation system.
Website | 207-764-2550
Downeast and Acadia
Greater Portland and Casco Bay

Portland International Jetport (PWM)
Maine?s largest airport is served by many major domestic and international carriers and is conveniently located just five miles from downtown Portland. The newly renovated facility offers a wide variety of ground transportation options as well as flight connections to other Maine destinations.
Website | 207-874-8877
Kennebec and Moose River Valleys

Augusta State Airport (AUG)
Located in Maine?s capital city, Augusta State Airport offers regularly scheduled daily passenger service to and from Boston, as well Bar Harbor on weekends.
Website | 207-626-2306 or 207-623-7527
Maine Lakes and Mountains
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The Maine Beaches
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The Maine Highlands

Bangor International Airport (BGR)
Two hours north of Portland, Bangor International is a fast-growing regional airport with regular connections to and from major cities in the Northeast, as well as national and regional hubs, Canada, Florida and the Caribbean. The airport offers a variety of convenient choices for travelers making connections.
Website | 207-992-4600 or 1-866-fly-bangor